Archive for June, 2016

Our theme this week was International Celebration. We made Chinese lanterns with our older friends for the Chinese New Year. The toddlers also enjoyed coloring large stars for the 4th of July. The class had fun with bubbles play this week. We learned our number and colors in Spanish to celebrate different languages around the world. […]

Children House 1
Hello, Hola, Ni Hao. This week our theme was international celebrations ! We discussed a few different holiday that occur around the world and how they celebrate. First we made the American flag to celebrate Independence Day, then we created paper lanterns for the Chinese New Year, lastly we tried our hand at origami by […]

Children House 1
Theme was Island vacation this week. We talked about taking a trip to an island. We discussed the scenery of the beaches(sand,water,birds,trees)as well as the animals that may be found on an island. We made rip art creating a palm tree. We also made a turtle shell using construction paper and felt pieces. Miss Keysha

Toddler Room
This week’s theme is Island Vacations We created palm trees and turtles for art. We had a scavenger hunt for treasure on the playground. We had a great time during splash day running around the sprinkler. Next week we will learn about International Celebrtion. We will learn about different countries around the world.

This week in the toddler classroom…
Our theme was Outside Sounds. We listened to sounds while on the playground and identified familiar and new sounds. Some of the children’s favorites were car horns and the sounds from the wind blowing the trees. We also made Father’s Day crafts. On splash day the kids ran around the sprinklers and popped bubbles. Next […]

Summer time
This week’s theme was color me happy. The children learned about different emotion and how the feel. They drew faces and spoke about the feeling each day. We had our first splash day this Tuesday and the children enjoying running through the sprinkler and running around popping bubbles. Miss Kysha and Miss August baked with the children […]

Summer Themes
Reminders from Miss August & Miss Keicha :: Next week’s theme is Color Me Happy (Colors and Emotions). Friday, June 10th will be our Color/Emotion Dress Up Day. Please wear colorful clothing, tie dye, or a shirt showing a facial emotion. Don’t forget beginning on Tuesday, June 7th we will have […]

End of School Year
The end of the year has come to an end. The toddlers have learned shapes, colors, counting, and Spanish. The children were also introduced to themes such as Deep Blue Sea, Insects, and more! Miss August, Miss Maria