Childcare Newsletters

St Patrick Day
Hello form Children House 2. We had a great week filled with lots of learning and fun. We learned all about St, Patrick’s day and why we celebrate and we had our celebration in our classroom on Friday. We also learned about the weather and the changes that happen when spring starts,we know that next […]

Shapes and Colors
Greeting from Children House 1 ! This week we learned about matching shapes and colors. The weather kept us indoors most of the beginning of this week, but we didn’t let that get us down as we spend our days building with blocks and singing songs about color and the days of the week. We […]

Caterpillars and Buttterflies
Caterpillars and butterflies was our theme for this week. We learned that a caterpillar goes into a cocoon and then turns into a beautiful butterfly and what they eat in all stages of it life. We focused on the letter E this week. We also counted and add by 1, and 5’s . We also […]
Montessori Preschool

Practice makes Perfect
Hello from The Children’s House 2. We had a week full of fun and learning. We are learning and still practicing how to trace letter ,numbers, shapes and our name till its perfect and we don’t need the lines to write any more. We also continued learning the month of the year and days of […]

St Patrick Day
Hello form Children House 2. We had a great week filled with lots of learning and fun. We learned all about St, Patrick’s day and why we celebrate and we had our celebration in our classroom on Friday. We also learned about the weather and the changes that happen when spring starts,we know that next […]

Shapes and Colors
Greeting from Children House 1 ! This week we learned about matching shapes and colors. The weather kept us indoors most of the beginning of this week, but we didn’t let that get us down as we spend our days building with blocks and singing songs about color and the days of the week. We […]

The Sun and Moon
Hello form the Children House 1! This week we learned about the sun and moon. We learned that the sun keeps us warm and that we can find it during the day. We also learned that the moon reflects the sun’s light and that we find it at night. We played outside when the weather […]

Finger for Counting
Greeting from the Children House 1! This week we learned how we can use our fingers for counting, for holding objects, for high fiving and for waving good-bye or hello. We worked on our shapes and color recognition as we drew more pictured this week, we learned how to match on shape to another. At […]

Drawing Shapes
Greeting from Children house 1 What a beautiful week it has been! The weather was warm and kind so we spend extra time outside this week. Miss Tameka brought lots of extra toys for the playground that we all loved playing with and sharing. We learned about shapes and how to draw them, and getting […]

ABC and 123
Hello from Toddler classroom. We had a great week learning our ABC and starting to recognize our letters. We focused on the letter C and we know the cat, cookie and cake start with the letter C. We also reviewed our number and counted together during circle time. We also had fun working with letter […]

How much we have learned
Hello from the toddler classroom. We had a great week learning and having fun. We are learning about our shapes, and our favorite is the circle. We also learning about the days of the week and counting till number 10. We enjoy working together on our favorite puzzles of shapes and colors. We also played […]

Toddler Classroom
This week we learned so much and had fun while doing it! We learned how to share and use our words to communicate with our friends and teachers. We also learned the shapes diamond and oval and found them all around in our classroom. We also learned how to count in Spanish till 10 and […]
Academy News & Info

Practice makes Perfect
Hello from The Children’s House 2. We had a week full of fun and learning. We are learning and still practicing how to trace letter ,numbers, shapes and our name till its perfect and we don’t need the lines to write any more. We also continued learning the month of the year and days of […]

ABC and 123
Hello from Toddler classroom. We had a great week learning our ABC and starting to recognize our letters. We focused on the letter C and we know the cat, cookie and cake start with the letter C. We also reviewed our number and counted together during circle time. We also had fun working with letter […]

How much we have learned
Hello from the toddler classroom. We had a great week learning and having fun. We are learning about our shapes, and our favorite is the circle. We also learning about the days of the week and counting till number 10. We enjoy working together on our favorite puzzles of shapes and colors. We also played […]
Other Recent Childcare Posts

Learning to Read
Hello form Children House 2. We are learning to read by using our site words for this week. We colored our books and took them home to read with our parents at home. We focused on the letter D this week , we where able to identify words with the letter D , we also […]

The Solor System
Hello from Children House 1. What a great week for learning with lots of fun too! We had a blast learning about the solar system and all the planets our favorite was Saturn with all its rings around it . We also had a great time building with our blocks and sharing puzzles. We enjoyed […]

Art Is So much Fun
Hello form the Toddler classroom . We had a fun week filled with lots of learning and fun. We reviewed all our colors this week and our shapes. We also reviewed the days of the week and month of the year. We also enjoyed all the art work we did this week, our favorite was […]