Tag: books

Toddler Classroom
What a fun week the children had with the theme “Colors Of The Wind”. The children enjoyed making wind sock and kites with the older kids in the Children House. We also learned the sounds the wind make and how it feels. We also read books about the wind our favorite was ” A Windy […]

Toddler Classroom
This week the toddlers enjoyed reading new books during story time. Our favorite book was “Why I am Special” and we did an activity each day about why each child was special. We also enjoyed learning about the guitar during music class. What a great week we had. Have a great Memorial Day weekend.

Toddler Classroom
This week we learned about animals that live in the safari, focusing on the lion. We read many books to celebrate National Reading week across America and the children prepared little craft books. We also want to welcome Nina the new and youngest student to our class.

Toddler Room
This week was centered our attention around using grace and courtesy. Our toddlers showed empathy for their peers and offered help. They demonstrated care towards their works, books and environment. Now we are working on walking carefully around our friends and things, and respecting each other and their space. We continued to learn about the […]