Our Own Little Renaissance (Children’s House 2)

| April 27, 2017 | 0 Comments

As we waited patiently indoors this week for ALL the April showers to bring those promised May flowers, we stayed busy in our cozy and dry classroom with lots of new activities, and some old favorites. We learned about famous artists and the kinds of artworks they made. Our favorite might be Michelangelo, and we were so inspired by his Sistine Ceiling, we decided to try his method of painting ourselves! Flat on our backs with our paper secured underneath our tables, we “painted” upside down. (We couldn’t imagine painting an entire ceiling that way…for four years!) We learned another art method (wax resist), drawing and writing “hidden messages” to be revealed with a color wash. We practiced our pencil grip for writing with our metal inset work, and we even had enough time to finish pin-pushing all the seven continents to make our own globes, too.






















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Category: Academy News and Info, Preschool

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