New Construction Week 13

| September 13, 2015 | 0 Comments

This week we saw a lot of finishing touches to our new school on E. Franklin Street. All of the base board throughout the school has been installed finishing up the clean look of the flooring. Toilets and sinks have been installed in all three classrooms. One sink in each classroom has been lowered down to a child’s level, while the other sink will be for the teachers. As you can see in the photo of our Children’s House 1 classroom, the under counter refrigerators have arrived and are waiting to be installed. All Three classrooms have exterior doors that open out onto the beautiful new playground.

The kitchen is nearly complete.  This week the plumbing fixtures have been added to the sinks and mop sink. The microwave is in place and the oven and refrigerator are ready to be installed. It has all come together so beautifully. Stay tuned for more updates and a projected opening date.


New Baseboard in CH2


Sinks and Toilet in CH 1


Sinks and Refrigerator in Toddler Room


Sinks and Toilet in CH 2


Kitchen Mop Sink



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