
Learning to Read
Hello form Children House 2. We are learning to read by using our site words for this week. We colored our books and took them home to read with our parents at home. We focused on the letter D this week , we where able to identify words with the letter D , we also […]

The Solor System
Hello from Children House 1. What a great week for learning with lots of fun too! We had a blast learning about the solar system and all the planets our favorite was Saturn with all its rings around it . We also had a great time building with our blocks and sharing puzzles. We enjoyed […]

Art Is So much Fun
Hello form the Toddler classroom . We had a fun week filled with lots of learning and fun. We reviewed all our colors this week and our shapes. We also reviewed the days of the week and month of the year. We also enjoyed all the art work we did this week, our favorite was […]

Similar Objects
Greeting from Children’s House 1! This week we learned to compare sizes in similar objects. We are learning how to recognize numbers 1-10 and practice our counting throughout the day. Together , we welcomed the first day of spring and talked about how rain is important to help the plants grow. It’s been a week […]

Outdoor play
Hello for the Toddler Classroom. We had just a great week filled with lot of outdoor play. The weather was so pretty we couldn’t get enough for being in the fresh air running , sliding and playing in the sandbox. We also learned and read lots of book while we were indoors. We enjoyed sharing […]

Letters Colors and all about Winter
This week in Children House 2 we had a very productive and fun week. We reviewed tracing our letter A B C and we also traced the numbers 1 to 9. We also learned about winter and what the weather would be like and all the things that happen at that time of the year. […]

All the month of the Year
Hello from the Toddler Classroom. We are still learning how to put things away and use our words to communicate with each other and our teachers. We are still learning the month of the year and the days of the week. We enjoyed singing new songs at circle time. We also enjoyed sharing and playing […]

All about the Ocean
Hello from Children House 1! what a fun week we have had . After all the snow we were happy to be back at school learning and having fun. This week we learned about the ocean. We talked about different animals that live in the ocean and identified them by drawing and finding them around […]

Shapes and letters
The toddlers had a busy week full of fun and learning. We learned with blocks this week and we used the shape and letters blocks to learn during circle time. We also learned the days of the week and month of the year. We enjoyed participating in our first yoga class we tried to stay […]

Learning New Things
The Toddler class had an awesome and busy week. We had a blast on Halloween we got to wear our costumes and have a dance party. We all sang and participated during music class. We are learning how to count , the days of the week and months of the wear. We are always using […]