
ABC and 123
Hello from Toddler classroom. We had a great week learning our ABC and starting to recognize our letters. We focused on the letter C and we know the cat, cookie and cake start with the letter C. We also reviewed our number and counted together during circle time. We also had fun working with letter […]

How much we have learned
Hello from the toddler classroom. We had a great week learning and having fun. We are learning about our shapes, and our favorite is the circle. We also learning about the days of the week and counting till number 10. We enjoy working together on our favorite puzzles of shapes and colors. We also played […]

Toddler Classroom
This week we learned so much and had fun while doing it! We learned how to share and use our words to communicate with our friends and teachers. We also learned the shapes diamond and oval and found them all around in our classroom. We also learned how to count in Spanish till 10 and […]

Toddler Room
What a wonderful week we had our theme this week is summer fun. We are wrapping up the summer and this week the eclipse was something we learned about and made some art for our eclipse party. We enjoyed our moon pies indoor to keep our eyes safe from the sun. We also read lots […]

Toddler Classroom
This week our theme was “Forts and Fun”… We began our week by learning how to build a fort and played inside after we were done. Then we made s’mores … mm. so good. We also built a Lego Tower and made different shapes with Playdo. In music we were introduced to maracas and enjoy […]

Toddler Classroom
The children had a great week learning their alphabets and counting in Spanish. We also enjoyed picking leaves , sand and plants from the playground to work on our nature fences. They also enjoyed working on their tye dye T shirts. They worked as a group on number puzzles and making circles and lines. We […]

Toddler Classroom
The Theme this week was “Seven Continents” we enjoyed music and food from around all the continents. Some of the art projects we participated in were decorating a wooden shoe, making a world map and decorating a travel case. We also read books at story time our favorite was ” Lets Travel The Big World”. […]

Children House
What I great week it has been! Our theme for the week is “The Seven Continents” The children had a wonderful time learning the origins of each continent! They dressed up from different countries around the world and ate food from India, Spain and Mexico for lunch. The designed their own Dutch shoes, travel cases […]

Toddler Classroom
What a fun week the children had with the theme “Colors Of The Wind”. The children enjoyed making wind sock and kites with the older kids in the Children House. We also learned the sounds the wind make and how it feels. We also read books about the wind our favorite was ” A Windy […]