Archive for May, 2018

Learning to Read
Hello form Children House 2. We are learning to read by using our site words for this week. We colored our books and took them home to read with our parents at home. We focused on the letter D this week , we where able to identify words with the letter D , we also […]

The Solor System
Hello from Children House 1. What a great week for learning with lots of fun too! We had a blast learning about the solar system and all the planets our favorite was Saturn with all its rings around it . We also had a great time building with our blocks and sharing puzzles. We enjoyed […]

Art Is So much Fun
Hello form the Toddler classroom . We had a fun week filled with lots of learning and fun. We reviewed all our colors this week and our shapes. We also reviewed the days of the week and month of the year. We also enjoyed all the art work we did this week, our favorite was […]