Archive for September, 2017

Toddler Classroom
What I great week we had it was full of fun and learning. We learned our primary colors in Spanish and we also count till 10 in Spanish. We had fun learning about the fall and how tree loose their leaves and the weather gets cooler. We enjoyed painting leaves during art class. We read […]

Children House
We had a fun and busy week. We learned how to trace the ABC and D’s this week . We also learned the sounds that C and CH make in a word. We learned how to finds words that start with the C and CH’s . We also had a lot of projects this week […]

Children House 2
Hello, Hola and Merhabah from our class. We want to welcome Efe our new friend from Turkey. What an exciting week we have had. In our Practical Life Unit we are learning about Grace and Courtesy. We learned all about saying please and thank you, and learning how to greet each other. In our Sensorial […]

Children House One
Hello from all children. Our unit for the week was Nature and Adventure. In our Practical life the children learned how to plant and water their own flowers. In sensorial unit the children created their own trees using mulch and leaves. They also learned about nature and all that grows in the forest. In language […]