Archive for September, 2016

Children House 2
This week we used the Sandpaper Letters and objects in the classroom to practice our work beginning and ending sounds, and couldn’t contain our excitement when we realized how close we’re getting to actually spelling things! We also practiced with the Number Rods and Sandpaper Numerals to combine the quantities we know with the symbols […]

Toddler Room
This week was dedicated to learning about the city. What can we see in the city? A school , hospital, fire station, etc. We talked about roads and cars. We also continued to observe changes in the weather and talked about colds and warm weather. The toddler enjoyed making a leave college for art class. […]

Children House 1
This week we learned about the 5 senses.! We took every day of the week t o learn about each one. For sight, we did a little “birdwatching” and we used a magnifying glass to look at different leaves and rocks. The students enjoyed squeezing and rolling play dough for touch! We talked about things […]

Children House 2
This week we’ve explored beginning sounds– not the names of the letters , but the sound. When we focus on the sound of the words we hear ( starting with beginning sounds, moving to ending sounds, and later… all the sounds)we build our foundation for easy, effortless reading and writing! The children had fun asking […]

Miss Luiza toddler Class
We dedicated this week to learn about vegetables. We named them, and then recognized them. We are continuing to learn how to express our feeling when we are happy , tired , sad, or hurt. Our favorite book this week was “Baby Faces”. The children in our toddler room are growing and becoming more and […]

Children House 1
This week was for the birds! In addition to our regular work cycle material each day, we worked with new activities to introduce us to this special part of the World Of Animals. We studied the parts of the bird and started working on our own booklets to identify these parts,. We played a memory […]

Children House 2
We welcomed two new friends this week in Children’s House 2, and continued settling in, getting to know how everything works , where things are, and how we work together in our little community. The children are so proud oh their pretty classroom, and have embraced their Practical Life and Grace and Courtesy activities– tidying […]

Children House !
Now that we are fully settled into the new school year , we have started learning so many new things! This week we ‘ve moved onto learning the Phonics and structure of the letter B. The students also got a glimpse of how the weather changes with the season. We read “Four Seasons For Little People”. […]